LunchBox School Feeding Initiative

Affordable School Meals

Hunger is the underlying reason behind Ghana's high school dropout rate

Launched in 2016 to complement the Government of Ghana's school feeding program, the Lunch Box Initiative remains one of our popular and successful projects. At the time of its inception, Food for All Africa collaborated with twelve schools—both public and private in low-income communities—to initiate the program. Our goal, which remains unchanged to this day, was to provide free or affordable daily, and nutritious meals to school children throughout the academic year, with a particular focus on those in poor and underserved primary schools. By doing this, we hope to enhance students' health, boost school attendance and ultimately contribute to their overall well-being and academic success.

To date, Lunch Box, which is a private sector-led initiative has reached more than 4,000 school children in 25 public and private schools across five regions of Ghana: Greater Accra, Eastern, Ashanti, Central, and Volta.


What sets our Lunch Box Initiative apart is our collaborative approach

At Food for All Africa, we engage with both students' mothers and school Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) in a distinctive manner. With the establishment of commercial kitchens in Greater Accra, Northern, Western and Ashanti region, we are positioned to partner public and private sector stakeholders to provide quality and affordable school meals at subsidized cost. We create opportunity for locally sourced ingredients and employment for locals.